Anyone else get the irony about this Monday truth on a Tuesday?
Seriously, I’m six days into the school year and I’m already feeling the time suck. We spent an hour doing our daily 15 minute reading lesson last night thanks to a million distractions and the fact that we’re six days back into school. Let’s be honest, this is painful for everyone. I clearly also learned that we need to get the homework show going way earlier. #lessonlearned
My blissful spare time from summer has been ripped away like a band-aid.
I want summer back.
Too soon to start the countdown?
(ok, maybe just a touch)
I miss casual nights, maybe an impromptu family dinner out, no panic that I didn’t check a backpack soon enough and now there’s “parent homework” of a million papers that must be completed as of five minutes ago.
I want to binge something on Netflix, anything. Now, I’m in that awkward TV phase before new shows return and the reality that I don’t have enough time after bed routine to start a new show. I know, laughing as I type this because seriously, first world problems.
I’m also slightly nervous that in first grade I won’t be able to understand her homework, particularly math in the crazy way they now teach it.
As much as I’m despising the homework, I’m equally eager for what the school year might bring.
Fall, you guys, it’s almost fall. The temperatures start to cool, if you’re somewhere further north, foliage is just beautiful, and there’s pumpkin everything, Halloween and more time outdoors.
So, ok; I’m adjusting just like my little girl to a new school routine (did I mention the early mornings again?! Uggghhhhh, I’m so not a morning person) but I’m sure will get through it. I can’t promise I won’t complain a little though. Because, again… mornings out the door before 7:45 am should be illegal (and I know some older kids leave at 6:40 am; WTF).
I have to be strong here in front of my girl so she thinks homework and early mornings are totally awesome. Totally.
Luckily, we have each other over here.
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August 29, 2016 at 9:41 PMI so feel U in this one. We are a military family- so moving this summer means we finished 1st grade June 21 and started 2nd on Aug 25 ( the one sine hi wasn’t puking!) anyway, we are going to use warm weekends as much as we can! Homework is a mess! I hate it! But it’s the faking that it’s great that really sucks. My MIL (retired teacher) sent us this game called mobi. It is amazing!!! Like bananagrams for numbers! Right now we only do addition and subtraction but they love it! My son said, “I know this is math facts, but surprisingly I love this game!” I also realize rid is my second product advice reply to u recently- hope u don’t think it’s weird- been reading u for years, and now in school years, just want to pass on what I’ve found!!
August 30, 2016 at 9:32 AMha, girl… keep the tips and product recommendations coming!! 🙂 We all need as much help as we can get and I’m so happy for you to share! Definitely hope you can enjoy these warm weekends… that just isn’t enough summer for you or your little ones.
August 25, 2016 at 7:35 AMNothing about my schedule changes since I’m out of school and have no little ones in school! But the transition period is very weird to adjust to. Just remember that beautiful feeling of everything getting crisp and cool in the fall. And all the autumn activities!
Danielle @ afloat on a full sea
Heather A.
August 23, 2016 at 11:52 AMI totally could have written this Alyson! I miss summer already and so do my girls. But I’m also so excited to see how my first grader has already grown and changed so much since last year, how proud she is to complete her reading log, how eager she is to do her math homework (whaaa???who is this kid?). Just taking it one school day at a time and giving myself lots of grace. Especially after I got the “tardy” text yesterday.
August 25, 2016 at 9:47 AMWow can your girl teach my girl some of that enthusiasm?! 🙂
August 23, 2016 at 7:05 AMI feel like every year, summer goes by faster and faster! Gotta live it up while it is here!