Was one of your New Year’s resolutions to get your home organized? I know that is on my list pretty much every year. I am better in some areas than others, and made good use of our winter break to purge quite a few rooms. Always feels good to donate to those who need items more than we do.
While I’m pretty decent at getting my home in order (hello, Pinterest tips!), I’ve recruited talented local home organizer, Sidney Young of Need Organizing? . Sidney has been organizing like a pro for over 13 years. She specializes in taking your home from clutter to calm…which sounds good to me. Sidney says that one of the biggest questions she gets is how to stay organized once you get your home in order. Keep reading for Sydney’s fantastic tips to establish organization habits that will stick.
Did you know that 40% of our day‐to‐day actions aren’t based on actual decisions that we make, but on habits we’ve formed? That’s right. Nearly half our actions are solely done out of habit. So, how do we create habits to keep you organized??
These five habit-forming tips will help increase your chances of maintaining your organization:
Take Small Steps.
Keeping it simple is the best way to start. Decide which organizing goal is important to you (not to your kids or your husband) and go from there. If your goal is to keep your home office organized, then start with keeping your desk clear of clutter and spending 10 minutes at the end of the day filing and putting papers away. Always add a time limit when creating a goal, as it gives you an end-in-sight and creates intrinsic motivation to see the end product!
Make It Known.
Getting support from a non-judgmental friend or family member can help when you get off track or need some additional motivation. A goal without making it known to others isn’t really a goal at all. If you have decided to organize your garage because you would like to fit your car in, tell your husband or family friend that is what you are going to do. You will have someone to encourage you if you should find that it is the end of February and your car still can’t make it into the garage!
Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
Research shows that performing the same task for at least 21-30 days can make just about any action a habit. Repetition is key, as creating the habit is not a simple task. (If it were, wouldn’t we all be thinner and totally organized?) Decide what organizing habit you want to create and then do it daily until it is an automatic part of your routine.
Get It On Paper.
Write down the habit you want to change/create and be sure to write down the specific plans for achieving that goal. If you want to keep the clutter off your kitchen counters, perhaps write, “I will not go to bed without spending 5 minutes to put things on counters in their proper place.” You’ll be amazed at how a written plan makes execution easier, and how nice it is to wake up to uncluttered counters!
Give Yourself A Reward.
A reward can be a motivating factor. If you want to create a habit around keeping your closet organized to make it easier to get dressed for work, then you are rewarding yourself with extra time in the morning! A physical reward would be motivating as well…treat yourself to fabric hangers to replace your old plastic ones.
Getting and STAYING organized is all a process, there may also be some tweaking but don’t get discouraged in the initial stages! Anything worth doing takes some time.
If you have questions about making your organizing goals into habits, leave a comment below.
Photo Credit: I Heart Organizing
Join the Conversation
Ashley Linnell
January 26, 2016 at 10:59 AMSidney brings peace and calm to my home. It amazes me how she can transform and organize rooms that allow you to utilize more space and the items you have. I am extremely grateful for her expertise and what she has done at my home to keep me organized.
January 18, 2016 at 12:25 PMSidney brings zen to my home. Best organization strategy and cares so much about her clients.
Lindsey Thomas
January 15, 2016 at 10:53 AMThank you so much for some pointers to stay organized Sid. These are really good. I’m great at making list of things I need done but sometimes have 15 things I want to complete that day and end up only doing one. Think I will try “keeping it simple” and maybe making a list of 3 things to do to start and then moving on to the rest of the list when those are completed. Thank you so much !!
January 13, 2016 at 12:34 PMSidney’s tips for organizing are so helpful! After the Holiday’s it’s so easy for things to get out of place when trying to figure out where to put all the new stuff! Whether it’s office, home, garage or storage for kids toys/clothes, Sidney is such a great resource to go to for ideas! Thank you so much for sharing!
January 13, 2016 at 10:52 AMSuch great organizing tips for the new year! I will definitely incorporate these five suggestions into my daily routine.
January 13, 2016 at 10:44 AMAwesome tips, especially about taking steps!!! It can be so overwhelming! Great advice!
January 12, 2016 at 10:07 PMSidney came highly recommended to us and she did not disappoint!!! She was very professional and organized our things in a very timely manner! We actually had “fun” cleaning out our garage with her! She has been a pleasure to work with every time we used her and are looking forward to our next appointment.
Stephanie Lee
January 12, 2016 at 6:13 PMThere is so much great information in this article! I am in the process of decluttering my home but find it difficult to stay on task. Sidney’s tips are practical and I plan to use them as a guideline as I move forward.
Susaye Blagrove Taylor
January 12, 2016 at 4:53 PMSid Young’s organizing tips were very enlightening and relatable to my own daily experience of keeping a clutter-free home – such as keeping up on the ever piling mail so it doesn’t take over the kitchen counter. Thanks to organizing tips such as hers, I have mounted a magazine rack in our entry way to catch mail. Ithis also forces me to clear the backlog so I can put more mail in! Thanks for sharing such great tips.
January 12, 2016 at 4:37 PMSidney’s tips were really helpful to me–especially the part about sticking with it! It’s so easy to get discouraged when uncluttered counters are stacked with a new batch of papers the very next day. I’m making a vow to go through the mail the day it comes in, and not let it accumulate. Thanks for the advice. Lin
Merritt Beck
January 12, 2016 at 3:40 PMThese are great tips for staying organized! Definitely some good habits to form for the new year.
The Style Scribe
January 12, 2016 at 2:17 PMMy husband and I are in the process of moving from a condo into a home so these tips are helpful! I think my closet is my biggest weakness. I try to keep things orderly but ultimately struggle. I’m hoping this will change!
January 12, 2016 at 12:23 PMWhat terrific tips from Sid! She is certainly an expert on not only getting organized, but staying that way!! I love that she makes it look so pretty!! And he beat part is, she is super fun to organize with!!
January 12, 2016 at 12:14 PMGreat advice. Sid makes it simple and achievable by following these simple tips and tricks. I’m definitely going to start incorporating these 5 habits into my routine to be better organized in 2016. I’m especially fond of the “Give yourself a reward” habit…now that’s motivation!
January 12, 2016 at 11:35 AMThis article makes organizing actually look do-able. The habit idea is brilliant and I can for sure manage the reward part!
Definitely check her FaceBook page and website for more great ideas. If you live anywhere near Palm Beach, Florida, lucky you! Sid can help you in person!
January 12, 2016 at 10:54 AMThese are great tips! I love an organization/cleaning tip I learned from my grandma. You pick a day of the week for each task. For example, Thursday is dust and light vacuum day, and Sunday is wash the sheets day! It helps to break things up.
Alyssa | Glitter and Grey
January 12, 2016 at 10:13 AMGreat article! Easy steps to increase calm and decrease clutter. Rewarding yourself… what a wonderful concept!
Sharing this article with my friends!
January 12, 2016 at 9:27 AMGreat article! Sidney is so talented and amazing at what she does. I just recently moved and contacted Sidney to help us get back on track!
Janis Lyn Johnson
January 12, 2016 at 9:11 AMGreat article and tips. The final result is so pretty!
Sidney Young
January 12, 2016 at 8:44 AMI’m Sidney Young from Need Organizing and wanted to share my Facebook page with you all. I post daily organizing tips, articles and organizing inspiration.
Elaine karon
January 12, 2016 at 8:42 AMBest advice I’ve taken has been from Sid Young. She’s changed my mindset about organizing! Great
Tips for staying organized!!
January 12, 2016 at 5:48 AMI need all the help I can get with this!