In LIFE/ Random I Miss Normal Life… but Am I Ready for Isolation to End? My brain is in a mental tug-of-war, and neither side is relenting. So many moments and days I miss “pre-quarantine” life. Our major conversation… Continue Reading →
In Featured Posts/ LIFE/ Random 12 Easy Ways to Feel Happier Amidst everything that’s going on in our world right now, it’s only logical that our emotions are all over the place. Anyone else feel… Continue Reading →
In LIFE/ WELLNESS The Modern Savvy May Run Club + My Running Essentials If you follow me on social media you might have already heard the news… we’re doing a MODERN SAVVY RUN CLUB in May!!! So,… Continue Reading →
In Alyson's Gift Guides/ LIFE 20+ Gifts Mom Actually Wants This Mother’s Day Is 2020 the year of the mom or what?! I’m just going to declare because based on the intense homeschooling, organizing, deep cleaning, keeping-it-together… Continue Reading →
In Home/ LIFE/ Random What I’ve Been Watching I think Netflix and binge TV watching is basically becoming synonymous with quarantine life, am I right? I must confess that between bingo games,… Continue Reading →
In Featured Posts/ LIFE/ WELLNESS What I Use for my At-Home Workouts Over the past year and a half or so, I’ve taken the time to learn the best workouts for my body. I’ve noticed it’s… Continue Reading →
In Featured Posts/ LIFE/ Random/ Work My Best Tips to be Productive Working From Home I’ve been working from home for more than three years. And for many of you, this is week one. Get ready, because it’s definitely… Continue Reading →