Let’s Talk Pelvic Health

Yup, friends, I’m going there. Because not enough of us are. Last year when I shared on Instagram Stories about seeing a pelvic floor PT, you’d be shocked how many messages I received. Actually, I’m really not surprised and neither should you.

Age and perhaps pregnancy play a major role in our pelvic health and it’s something we don’t talk enough about yet plagues so many of us in such a major way. While a lot of my pelvic floor/bladder issues are tied to my more rare neurological condition, I realized from doing the Modern Savvy Run / Walk Club that many struggles and frustrations are universal. Pee leakage anyone? TRUST when I tell you that you’re not the only one peeing or dripping as you’re running, walking, or being cruelly asked to do a jumping jacks or squat jump in a workout class (the worst lol).

{we’ve now lost every guy who was reading until there, right?}

While this might make some of you uncomfortable, these are conversations like other ones around here I want to start having. Pelvic health is major. It impacts incontinence, sexual health, can cause pain, etc. The list goes on.


On this Saturday, July 18th at 9:30 am EST, I’m doing an Instagram Live over at @themodernsavvy with Dr. Katie Usher, a pelvic floor therapist in Jupiter, Fla., who I recently saw and is so knowledgeable, patient and helpful that I just needed her to share her insight with all of you. I have been gathering questions on Instagram and we have SO much to talk about, primarily related to leakage, weak muscles, pelvic health as it relates to sex including painful intercourse, and more.

Do you have a question? You can comment below or send me an email (or message on Facebook or Instagram) and we’ll address it all. It’s all anonymous/confidential beyond Katie and me, and promise I’ve already seen or personally experienced it all, lol, so you’re not phasing me in any capacity. If only you knew the conversations I’ve had in the past couple of weeks!

So let’s do this… hope you’ll join us on Instagram at 9:30 am this Saturday, July 18th, and plan to also save this on my feed as well incase the timing doesn’t work out for you.

And, I want to create lots more helpful content like this for you under my MODERN SAVVY MOVES umbrella — moving our body, mind, all of it. I always welcome and love your suggestions. I also have another fun Instagram Live in the works, and more content planned for the blog and Facebook as well. Stay tuned and thank you for supporting!

What have been your experiences with pelvic floor health? Let me know in a comment below!

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  • Reply
    Sherry Young
    July 21, 2020 at 6:23 PM

    I hadn’t ready Savvy for a few weeks so missed the announcement about your live Pelvic Health stream last Saturday. Is there a recording? Are there resources that were shared?
    With gratitude.
    Sherry Young

  • Reply
    July 15, 2020 at 4:58 PM

    Recently having to deal with prolapse bladder, stage 3…going thru testing now. Have my first p/t session tomorrow….was told by my gyn-urologist that my lack of estrogen Due to breast cancer is major factor in the break down of Muscle control in pelvic area…won’t be able to attend your Instagram session hope you continue to share on your blog. Thanks you Allison for helping me/other women in addressing pelvic floor health!

    • Reply
      July 23, 2020 at 2:17 PM

      Hi Debbie,
      Thank you so much for your vulnerability and sharing here. Katie talked about muscle strength and control on our Instagram video, which you can watch here, and she also is talking about it on her business feed as well.

  • Reply
    July 15, 2020 at 11:24 AM

    It is normal to have a little leakage (urine) after having kids? Should I just accept it or is there something that can be done? My kids ask why I cross my legs when I sneeze!!!

  • Reply
    July 15, 2020 at 7:58 AM

    Is discharge after menopause normal? When is it not or when should you call the doctor?

    • Reply
      July 23, 2020 at 2:18 PM

      I shared your question with Katie. She will be addressing more questions related to menopause over the next few weeks on her Instagram feed so I highly encourage you to check it out (though I always recommend checking in with a doctor)…

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