Throw a Messy Dinner Party

You guys. Life is too short. So you have dishes in your sink. Your bed isn’t made. The playroom is a mess, or the living room has crap scattered around. Who cares.

Is that stopping you from inviting friends over?

If it is, get over it. It’s time to throw a messy dinner party!

The last month was intense over here, between multiple days off, the hurricane scare, I had bronchitis, the list goes on. Anyway, everyone being home so much has made the house feel like a mess, but it was Friday afternoon and I missed some friends.

So I texted my girlfriend at like 4 pm, knowing my house was a disaster, and invited her over for an impromptu dinner with her family and mine, for pizza and whatever else we could all throw together.

A messy house shouldn’t stop us from seeing friends, right? And, my real friends shouldn’t judge, right? Right.

So I threw caution to the wind — or rather, let my Type A settle for a second — and extended the invite. Sure, I did a 10 minute quick clean so friends didn’t fall over an Elmo, random crayons or a My Little Pony but I left it at that. Beds weren’t perfectly made (or err, really made at all) and pillows weren’t perfectly positioned on every couch. There was no major dinner party expectations or allure of a homemade meal. We all wore our comfiest clothes, ordered pizza and wings, opened wine and beer, and popped chicken nuggets in the toaster oven for the kids.

So much of what we see out there makes us feel like everything has to be perfect. But that’s not life, and it’s certainly not my reality.

Evenings prepped in advance full of expectations are often the most disappointing. Thenights nights we never expected to have often create the best memories.

And in this case… all with a bit of a mess, and none of the fuss. Highly suggest you try it.


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  • Reply
    February 16, 2017 at 12:02 PM

    Great advice. Some of the best times with friends are nights like these. In our house we pull out some family friendly board games or turn on the wii and everyone has a blast. So much fun with so little effort.

    • Reply
      March 2, 2017 at 12:27 PM

      TOtally agree! It’s so much easier, less stressful and better for those memories. 🙂

  • Reply
    November 4, 2016 at 2:10 PM

    YES – I love this idea…probably because I am literally the worst about going into “freak out” mode when we are having people over. I think it takes a certain level of friendship to be chill with this, but I need to work towards it for sure!


  • Reply
    November 4, 2016 at 1:49 PM

    Love it! I think we often forget that a lot of us are on the same page. My husband and I don’t have kids and our house is always a mess…and that’s OKAY!

  • Reply
    November 4, 2016 at 5:45 AM

    That is such a good idea, I totally need to that with my girlfriends.


  • Reply
    November 4, 2016 at 5:37 AM

    What a great idea!

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