27 In WELLNESS/ Work

No More Excuses Instagram Live: Mindset Hacks to Make 2021 Your Best Year Ever

Anyone else feel like January just flew by? Maybe in some ways that’s a good thing but I know I also don’t want 2021 to be a wasted year that just passes me by. While none of us could have predicted 2020, we now have the ability to see this year in a clearer way. Yet, I know it’s often easier said than done.

So let’s do this together. I took this “Inspired Action” workshop in December by my good friend and coach/mentor/”gets you where you want to be” woman, Kate Volman, and it was so insightful, real, eye opening and helpful. So much so that I asked her if she’d share it with all of you (as if she had a choice, lol).

How to Make 2021 Your Best Year

JOIN US: So this Friday, February 5, 2021 at 12 pm EST, join us for an Instagram Live on my feed, @themodernsavvy, where she will walk you through an abbreviated version of her workshop, giving you actionable tools to stop making excuses so you can do more of what you love in 2021.

How to prepare? Very simple, download and print her worksheet here. Grab a pen, maybe your lunch, and let’s do this.

It’s going to be fun, as we walk you through finding clarity in your goals, determining the habits you need to see them through; what you need to let go of (so big!), your excuses, and how to create accountability and community.

I have known Kate for probably a decade now, and she is such a rockstar, and has helped countless women hone in on their dreams, and create a real strategy to make them a reality. We both volunteered for years with Women’s Foundation. On top of that, she’s just so much fun, with a smile that’s incredibly contagious. So excited to introduce you to her.

By the way, if you cannot make the time, our conversation will be saved on my Instagram IGTV. Take this time for you. Honestly, you deserve it. And, why wait another day to move toward who you are destined to become?

Do you have any extra questions or tips on how to make 2021 your best year? Let me know in a comment below!

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